CraftAbility in Thaxted welcomed visitors from Saffron Walden u3a to celebrate a member's 90th birthday.

Greta Scott shared a birthday cake with members and volunteers and received cards and presents, including a personalised cushion and a cat-themed handmade quilt.

The u3a (University of the Third Age) entertained Greta and her fellow members with acting, singing and poetry.

CraftAbility is also holding a pop-up craft sale at Saffron Community Hub in Saffron Walden on Saturday, July 20.

Volunteers will be there to answer any questions about the centre and to sell handmade crafts made by members.

This year's CraftAbility summer outing will be on Thursday, July 4 to Clacton-on-Sea, when members will enjoy a fish and chip lunch by the seaside.

There will also be a murder mystery night on Saturday, October 26, with details to be announced on the centre's Facebook page.


CraftAbility is open at 6 Dunmow Road every Monday and Thursday, and welcomes anyone who wants to pop in for tea or coffee, find out more about the centre and meet the volunteers and members.

CraftAbility is open to anyone who is either living with a physical disability, has an underlying health condition or is feeling lonely or isolated.

Volunteers do not need to be good at crafts, as the centre will find something that needs doing to suit everyone's capabilities.