Rare Suffolk Punch horses were part of the funeral procession of Arkesden resident David Forster.

Charlie and Gifford, two horses provided by the Suffolk Horse Society, visited Arkesden on Thursday, June 20 to pull a dray through the village for Mr Forster's funeral.

The Suffolk Punch horses at David Forster's funeralThe Suffolk Punch horses at David Forster's funeral (Image: Courtesy of the Forster family)

The procession stopped outside the Axe & Compasses to raise a glass to Mr Forster, who lived and worked for the majority of his life at Parsonage Farm.

Mr Forster was a lifelong member of the Suffolk Horse Society - the official charity for the preservation and promotion of the Suffolk Punch horse.

The Suffolk Punch is one of four British breeds of heavy horse bred for ploughing and pulling loads in farm work.

For more information go to suffolkhorsesociety.org.uk/.