Members of the community are invited to have their say on creating 'healthy school streets' outside two primary schools in Saffron Walden.

A healthy school street is where changes have been made to make the road safer for students to walk, wheel and cycle to school.

Essex County Council is inviting residents to have their say on changes outside R A Butler and St Thomas More schools. 

To take part in the survey go to

As of yet, there are no plans or available funding to make any changes to the street, but the survey aims to engage with residents early to gauge support for a scope of changes. Further engagement will take place should funding become available. 


Changes to the street could include, but are not limited to, zebra crossings, a 20mph speed limit, speed cushions, parking zones, enforcement, trees and planting, extending barriers and other public improvements - including widened footways, cycle parking, benches and lighting.

A county council spokesperson said: "We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see."

The survey closes on July 31.