Saffron Walden 1st Scouts helped weed the town's High Street recently, inspiring more volunteers to take part.

Chair of Saffron Walden Initiative Jacqui Portway thanked the scouts and their leaders Kevin Rule, Chantelle and Kia.

She said: "These youngsters are a great example of the next generation and obviously enjoy the scouts."

Volunteers from Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN) helped finish the job on Monday, July 8.

Elizza Restaurant in Saffron Walden offered the volunteers free refreshments in their garden afterwards.


Jacqui added: "It’s uplifted a lot of people and there’s no recrimination to Essex County Council, Uttlesford District Council or Saffron Walden Town Council.

"It’s simply a case of let’s stop moaning and fix it."

To volunteer to help Walden Wheels email