Braintree MP and former foreign secretary James Cleverly has announced he is running to become the Conservative Party Leader. 

Mr Cleverly, the current shadow home secretary, revealed in a social media video his candidacy on Tuesday evening, 

In the video he said the party would need to focus on regaining people’s trust again. 

He said: “We need to re-establish our reputation as the party, who in government, helps grow the economy, helps people achieve their goals, their dreams, and their aspirations. 

“When I was party chairman, I campaigned right across the UK, supporting fantastic Conservative candidates and helping them become MPs, often parts of the country that never had a Conservative MP before. 

“I want to make sure that those parts of the country have a Conservative MP once again. 

“But we can only do this together, we can only do this as a united party. Focused on the needs of the British people. Relentlessly working to make their lives better. 

“And if we do that, we can once again, restore the confidence of the British people in us as a party. 

“That is why I’m putting myself forward to be leader of the party and that is why I ask for your support, to make sure this party, once again, is properly able to serve the British people.” 

Mr Cleverly is the first party member to announce his candidacy following the party’s loss at the General Election at the beginning of this month and Rishi Sunak stepping down.