Wokingham Choral Society will perform a lunchtime concert at St Mary's Church in Saffron Walden this week.

The concert, entitled 'A Song for Summer', will take place from 12.30pm to 1.15pm on Friday, August 16.

Choir members will perform folk songs, part songs and madrigals of the British Isles, featuring 'A Sprig of Thyme' by Sir John Rutter and melodies by Elgar, Granger and Dyson.

Entry is free, with a retiring collection in aid of St Mary's Church. Tickets can be booked at https://www.trybooking.com/uk/DRLH, but pre-booking is not required.

The society's musical director is George de Voil, a prize-winning fellow of the Royal College of Organists.

George has given concerts in Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral, as well as across the UK and in Europe.


The choir will be accompanied by organist James Speakman, who is an associate of the Royal College of Organists.

A spokesperson for the society said: "We are renowned for the high standard of our choral singing, each year performing two major concerts featuring great works from the classical repertoire, alongside professional soloists and orchestras.

"We also perform a family Christmas concert and a summer concert of lighter material, as well as running regular workshops and choir tours."