An Elsenham police officer will swim 11 miles across Lake Windermere this weekend to raise money for a girl with a rare genetic condition.

Andre Cundell, 50, is taking on the challenge for his colleague Dale's six-year-old daughter, Grace Beverton, who lives in Colchester.

Grace started having severe seizures in 2018 at five and a half months old, and was diagnosed with a mutation of the gene RHOBTB2.

Following consultation with genetics specialists at Great Ormond Street Hospital, she is one of only 38 people diagnosed with the condition around the world, and possibly only the third in the UK.

Six-year-old Grace Beverton has a rare genetic conditionSix-year-old Grace Beverton has a rare genetic condition (Image: Tree of Hope)

Grace cannot walk or talk, and her family and supporters are fundraising through the charity Tree of Hope for equipment and treatments which are not available on the NHS. 

They are currently looking for specialised and intensive physiotherapy sessions to help Grace sit unaided.

Longer-term goals may include bearing weight on her legs, or even standing and walking.

She is also likely to need specialist equipment, as well as possible adaptations in the family home.

Andre, who also has a daughter named Grace - aged seven, said: "I've been working with Dale since February and only heard about Grace because one of our other colleagues was doing a 24-hour walk for her.

"He has a challenging fulltime job and looking after and fundraising for a daughter with so many additional needs as well is a lot for anyone, so I’m really happy to be able to help out a little if I can."

Andre Cundell will take on the 11-mile swimAndre Cundell will take on the 11-mile swim (Image: Tree of Hope)

Andre has previously swam across Lakes Coniston and Ullswater, and says this next challenge - the Windermere Chillswim - will complete the "big three".

The Windermere Chillswim is the longest swim in England, and Andre hopes to complete it in eight hours, with his wife Mandy, daughter Grace and sister Michelle cheering him on.

He said: "I used to take part in triathlons but as I’ve got older, swimming is the only part of them which doesn’t hurt too much! I love being in the water, but expect this event to be a real challenge.

"The longest I have swum before is 7.5 miles in Ullswater, but that was in terrible weather conditions. Hopefully things will be a bit calmer this time.’

"There are boat-based ‘feed stations’ every mile and you can take a few supplies in your float but there’s no opportunity to rest!"

You can donate to Andre's swim at, or support Grace's fund directly at

Grace's dad Dale, 35, a police officer who works with Andre, said: "I’m very grateful to Andre for taking part in this massive swim for Grace and wish him all the best.


"Can’t wait to hear all about it!"

Tree of Hope helps families fundraise for children like Grace with healthcare needs where the NHS cannot, and provides charity status so they can benefit from gift aid and corporate support.

Tree of Hope CEO Becky Andrew said: "This sounds like a fantastic event and we wish Andre all the best with the swim!"