Uttlesford District Council is spending more than £700,000 to improve "longstanding structural issues and damp problems" at a block of flats. 

The council says works are underway at the flats in Manor Road in Stansted, with an update on the projected presented during a meeting of the housing board on September 2. 

The project follows pressure from opposition councillors in the town for the council to step in and deal with the issues at its properties.

Residents say mould at the flats has been unsuccessfully treated, and is affecting the health of vulnerable people living there - including children - with Cllr Geoffrey Sell saying the flats had "reached the end of their useful life".

Documents for the meeting show that the works to fix the structural and damp issues will cost £770,000, with £460,000 being spent on balcony refurbishment, £160,000 for internal works and £150,000 for roof works. 

Works on balcony refurbishment at flats 37 and 39 are currently underway, with works for the other homes due to start very soon.  

The additional financial impacts related to fire safety upgrades and the maintenance service procurement will be managed within existing budgets of the council.

The meeting documents state: "A major remediation programme is in progress at Manor Road Flats to address longstanding structural issues and damp problems.

"The work includes the application of modern liquid-applied waterproofing systems on balconies, the removal and replacement of damaged internal plasterwork, and comprehensive roofing repairs." 

The balcony works will see installation of advanced waterproofing systems, improved drainage design, and potential thermal insulation integration to prevent water ingress and thermal bridging.


Works for the internal issues include, complete removal of damaged plaster, treatment of underlying structures, re-plastering, electrical rewiring, and window assessment to ensure structural integrity and thermal efficiency. 

The council meeting documents say the authority will: "continue with the phased implementation of the remediation programme, prioritising units most severely affected by structural issues and damp.

"Develop a long-term maintenance plan for the flats, incorporating lessons learned during the remediation process and ensure that all works are carried out in compliance with relevant building regulations and health and safety standards."