Following lockdown, Saffron Walden is gradually coming back to normality with more people in town and events are once again being organised.

Over the past four weeks, Gardening for Kids has been held on the Market Square where children have been able to take part in various activities such as colouring, plant pot painting and decorating and herb head planting.

The last session takes place tomorrow (Friday August 27) from 10am to 2pm.

After an absence due to the pandemic, it’s great to see that Dance in the Square is back on Saturday (August 28) from 7.45pm to 10.30pm, featuring local groups Miss Disco and Moonshine Coyote. There will also be a Food Festival and bar.

There's more fun at the Market Square with Kids Active! today (Thursday August 26) from 10am to 2pm and on Wednesday September 1. Fun, sporty activities include basketball, archery, football and boxercise.

The Golden Acre play area has now been updated and I am holding a colouring competition whereby the overall winner cuts the ribbon with me at the opening ceremony on September 9 at 3pm.

Entrants are asked to draw an A4 size picture in paint/pen/crayon of their favourite piece of play equipment.

The age categories are 1-6 years, 7-11 years and 12-16 years. The winner of each category wins a £10 book token.

Please put your name, age, address and telephone number on the reverse of your entry which should be submitted to the Town Council Office, Town Hall, CB10 1HR by 4pm on September 3. I’m very much looking forward to judging the artistic talent of our young people.

There will be an eco-market on the Common on Saturday, September 18 from 10am to 3pm.

The stalls will feature traders selling goods that are friendly to the environment, and who encourage recycling and the re-use of items to prevent them going to landfill.

If you would like to book a pitch, please get in touch with the Town Council by emailing

At all events, the public are asked to use their common sense about keeping Covid safe.